Accounting Services
We offer highly efficient accounting services which are
provided by us for our clients. We offered accounting services
- For local, national & international clients
- Design, implementation and review of accounting
- Advice on various accounting issues including those
related to Indian GAAPs, International GAAPs, US GAAPs
and IFRS.
Auditing & Assurance Services
We are blessed with team of qualified chartered accountants
highly efficient in auditing and assurance services. Our
wide range of services is aimed for financial stability
of the clients and takes care of the decision making abilities.
The services we provide are in comply with the legal environment
are -
- Statutory audit
- Internal audit
- System & management audit
- Concurrent and Income & Expenditure audit
- Bank audit
- Stock audit
- Due diligence
- Certification work
Income Tax Services
We specialize in providing Income tax services to individuals,
small scale and medium scale businesses which are highly
effective and efficient. Our range of services includes
- Preparation of return
- Getting Assessment done
- Consultancy in tax matters & tax planning
- Foreign taxation consultancy
- Transfer Pricing Reports
- TDS & Withholding tax compliance
- Income Tax Appeals before CIT (Appeals)
Financial Services
We have years of experience in providing business financial
services to our clients. Our experts carefully analyse the
current situation and accordingly prepare the project reports.
We offered services like-
- Preparation of project report
- Loan arrangement- Cash credit limit, Term loan &
Project loan
- Due diligence for finance
- Valuation of shares
Company Law Matters Consultancy
We have great experience in offering our services to our
clients in the matter of company law. Our services include
merger and acquisitions, reconstructing along with the maintenance
and compliance of statutory records etc.
- Formation of company in India, viz, Private Limited,
Public Limited, wholly owned subsidiary company, LLP
- Conversion of proprietary concern & partnership
firm to Part IX Company.
- Conversion of Private Limited Company to Public
Limited Company, and Public Limited Company to Private
Limited Company.
- Filling of Forms under Company Law.
- All matters related with Registrar of Companies.
- Maintenance & compliance of Statutory Records
- Merger & acquisitions
- Corporate restructuring
- Consultancy in above matters
Societies and Trust Consultancy
We are engaged in providing societies and trust consultancy
to our clients. Our wide range of services includes formation,
registration U/s 12A and 80G of income tax act. We offered
services like-
- Formation
- Registration U/s 12A and 80G of Income tax Act.
- Registration under Foreign Contribution Regulation
Act (FCRA), viz, Prior approval & Permanent registration.
- Registration u/s 35AC of Income-tax Act.
- Consultancy in above matters.
VAT & CST Matters Consultancy
- Registration
- Filing of periodicals returns
- Assessment
- Issue of necessary forms
- Appeals
Service Tax Matters Consultancy
We have rich experience in offering service tax matters
consultancy which is vital in the current scenario. Our
range of services includes–
- Registration
- Filing of return
- Maintenance of Records
- Assessment
Drafting & Consultancy
We offered services regarding drafting of various document
like, partnership deed, HUF deed, Lease agreements and agreements
for business Joint Venture etc.